“禮貌打斷別人”的英語表達,真香 ‖ 地道英語

Interrupt very politely


Er, I think Joan is already here。


Sorry, I never meant that。


Actually it was Geraldine who arrived late。

Excuse me

Excuse me, that seems taking matters too far。

May I have a word?

May I have a word? Nothing will stop the Mirror from running the story。

Interrupt politely

Can I make a comment?

Can I make a comment? Mike was never involved in this。

May I come in here?

May I come in here? In fact, new laptops tend to be lighter, not heavier。

May I interrupt?

May I interrupt? I do have something relevant to disclose。

Could I say something?

Could I say something? If we want lower costs we need other suppliers。

Sorry to interrupt

Sorry to interrupt, but someone‘s phone is ringing。

Interrupt strongly

Please listen to me

Please listen to me。 It is important。

Do you mind if I jump in here?

Do you mind if I jump in here? I have to leave in five minutes。

I don’t mean to intrude, but

I don‘t mean to intrude, but Stephen is not exactly reliable。

Can I add something?

Can I add something? WTR Ltd should be able to supply us。

What are you trying to say?

What are you trying to say? I never accepted a gift from a client。

Interrupt very strongly

What are you getting at?

What are you getting at? Can’t you see you’ll only cause trouble?

Will you let me speak?

Will you let me speak? You are not the only person here。

Won’t you let me give an opinion?

Won’t you let me give my own opinion? I demand the right to speak。

Will you shut up for a minute, please?

Will you shut up for a minute, please? Don’t you see everyone’s fed up?

Can’t you be quiet?

Can’t you be quiet for a moment, for goodness sake?

Avoid interruption

Perhaps we could leave that for later on?

Perhaps we could leave that for some other moment。

Will you let me finish?

Will you let me finish? You can object when your turn comes up。

I’d rather go on with

I’d rather go on with the current subject as we’re a bit pressed for time。

Would you so be so kind as to let me finish?

Would you be so kind as to let me finish? I never interrupted your speech。

Would you mind not interrupting?

Would you mind not interrupting all the time?

Allow interruption

Let’s hear

Let’s hear what Virginia has to say。

You may speak

Of course you may speak, Sylvie。

Please go ahead。

Please go ahead, Diana。 What is so urgent?

We’d be delighted

We’d be delighted to hear your doubts, Paul。 Please go ahead。

You’re not interrupting

You’re not interrupting at all。 Everyone is free to share their opinions。