

26。 去年我參觀了那個輝煌的宮殿。它的美麗是無法用語言來表達。

27。 不久他們來到了一條河。在河岸上生長著茂盛的灌木叢。

28。 那場演出十分成功。這使演員們十分激動。

29。 她把自己鎖在房間裡看了一天電視。

30。 在炎熱的夏天,人們更喜歡在戶外納涼。

26。 Last year, we paid a visit to that magnificent palace, whose beauty is beyond expressions。(短語優先,定語從句)

27。 Soon they reached a river, on whose bank grew thick bushes。(定語從句,倒裝)

28。 The performance worked out successfully, for which all the performers were excited。(短語優先,定語從句)

29。 Locked in her room, she spent a whole day watching TV。(過去分詞做狀語,動名詞做賓語)

30。 In hot summer, people would rather cool themselves outdoors。 In hot summer, people prefer to cool themselves by staying outdoors。(構詞法的轉換)