




| 1-7章“傾聽”部分的小結 |



January VII

Listening to yourself

Questioner: while I am here listening toyou, I seem to understand, but when I am away from here, I don’t understand,even though I try to apply what you have been saying。

Krishnamurti: You are listening toyourself, and not to the speaker。 If you are listening to the speaker, hebecomes your leader, your way to understanding,which is a horror, an abomination, because youhave then established the hierarchy of authority。 So what you are doing here islistening to yourself。 You are looking at the picture the speaker is painting,which is your own picture, not the speaker’s。 if that much is clear, that youare looking at yourself, then you can say,

“well, I see myself as I am, and I don’twant to do anything about it 。” – and that is the end of it。 But if you say, “Isee myself as I am, and there must be a change,” then you begin to work out of your own understanding – which isentirely different from applying what the speaker is saying… but if , as the speaker is speaking, you are listening to yourself, then out of thatlistening there is clarity, there is sensitivity; out of that listening themind becomes healthy, strong。 Neither obeying nor resisting, it becomes alive,intense -  and it is only such a humanbeing who can create a new generation, a new world。




克里希那穆提:你其實正在聆聽自己內在的聲音,而不是演講者。如果你聽的是演講者,他就變成了你的帶領人,左右你的理解方式,這是可怕而且令人憎惡的事情,因為你樹立起了一座權威塔。所以你應該做的是去傾聽自己的內心,從演講者所描繪的畫面中看到屬於你內心的畫面。如果你能了悟這點,你就正在看向自己,便可以說:“好吧,我看到自己本來的樣子了,而且我並不想對它做什麼。”那麼一切問題將止於此。但是如果你說: “我看到自己本來的樣子了,我必須做些改變。“那麼你就會勾畫出自己的理解,而這種理解和演講者所說的完全不同。當演講者講話時你若能聆聽自己內心的聲音,那麼從這份聆聽中會產生清明的覺知,而且心智會變得健康強大。既不屈從也不抗拒,而是變得充滿活力,激情四射。只有這樣的人才能創造出新世代、新世界。