


小作文主要考察同學們的概況與總結能力。無論是書信還是通知都必須在相應的字數下把資訊要點說清楚。那我們在進行書寫前指定是要審題的。第一我們必須判斷小作文的型別是書信還是通知,如果是書信必然會看到letter,email,reply,那要是通知一定會在題幹中看到notice, announce, announcement。第二要是判斷是書信,我們就得確定是10種書信的那一種,這也是審題中最難得一點,我們必須知道每種書信的關鍵詞。建議信{suggest suggestion advice, advise, propose, proposal},諮詢信(inquire,inquiry,ask for advice),投訴信(complain,complaint)推薦信(recommend,recommendation)申請信(apply for)感謝信(gratitude,thanks,appreciation)祝賀信(congratulation,congratulate)道歉信(apologize,apology)邀請信(attend,participate in,invite,invitation)回覆信(reply)。這是同學們必須要掌握的。第三書信的稱呼,write後面大多會有稱呼。第四書信的內容,最後是署名,大多數情況是Li Ming。要是我們判斷的是通知,其中的書信型別以及稱呼就不用審了。審題這步千萬不能小瞧,這是我們得到高分的關鍵。審完題後就要開始答題了。我們先從書信講起。

無論是書信還是通知,都有其相應的格式。書信的稱呼要首字母大寫,逗號不能丟。結尾問候語最好採用Sincerely yours,全文的格式如下:

Dear Jack,

I am writing this email to you to recommend a popular leisure sport, badminton。

The primary factors are as follows。 For one thing, it is one of the best all-round exercises, which will be of great value for you to exercise almost all the muscles of your body and increase your muscular fitness。 For another, the fact that playing badminton is for people of all ages contributes to the advantage that it is easier for you to find a partner。

I very much hope that my recommendation will get your kind consideration。 I am looking forward to your early reply。

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



December 21, 2019

We are very pleased to announce that our college is badly in need of used books for a donation activity。 It will be held on December 30 on the playground。

In the first place, the donated books are requested to be legal-copy as well as positive in content, and are expected to be in good preservation。 In addition, the books which are related to the history and culture of western countries are preferred。

If you are interested, please do not hesitate to bring your books to our activity。 We are looking forward to your attendance。

Li Ming

