

1。山上狂風大作。A storm blew up over the mountains。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》

2。當天色突然變黑且狂風大作的時候,要小心!一場危險的暴風雨可能要來了。When the sky suddenly turns dark and the wind is strong, watch out! A dangerous storm might be coming。

3。因此,如今“開菲爾”這個詞更容易讓人聯想到來自洛杉磯、帶著瑜伽墊的魅力四射的女性,而不是那種狂風大作的東歐的簡樸景象。These days the word “kefir” is consequently more likely to bring to mind glamorous, yoga mat-toting women from Los Angeles than austere visions of blustery Eastern Europe。

4。雷聲轟鳴,閃電劈啪作響,狂風大作,雨點很大。It thundered, the lightning crackled, the wind came in gusts, and rain fell in big heavy drops。

5。一個漆黑的夜晚,狂風大作。It was a dark night。 The wind was blowing hard。

6。狂風大作,刮壞了他的房子。His house was damaged by high winds。

7。突然烏雲密佈,狂風大作。Suddenly overcast, and such a violent storm arose。

8。一天我剛走了兩小時,這時突然狂風大作。I had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased。

9。生活時常風平浪靜,但總有狂風大作! !Life often is calm, but there are strong wind was blowing。

10。中午時分,天上烏雲密集,不一會兒狂風大作。Towards noon, dark clouds began to bank up and soon a violent storm broke out。

11。但是昨天的天氣糟糕極了,狂風大作,雷雨交加。It rained heavily while it was thundering。 And it had a strong wind。

12。我們十分清楚在這樣狂風大作的天氣裡應該穿什麼。We are very well aware what to wear in such wildly windy weather。

13。有一天下午,天氣突然變壞了,狂風大作,雪片紛飛。But it suddenly blew hard and snowed in great flakes one afternoon。

14。我們十分清楚得知道在這樣狂風大作的天氣裡應該穿什麼。We are very well aware of what to wear in such wildly windy weather。

15。突然之間,狂風大作,晴朗的天空因為暴風雨雲而暗下來。Suddenly, the wind started blowing, and the clear sky blackened with storm clouds。

16。這天下午,烏雲滾滾狂風大作,等回到家裡,我已經感冒了。In the afternoon, clouds rolled in, the wind picked up, and by the time I got home, I was cold。

17。今天外面突然狂風大作, 把院子裡的椅子吹的東倒西歪。Today all of a sudden wind was gusting like hell, knocking over chairs in the backyard。

18。雷陣雨來時,往往會出現狂風大作、雷雨交加的天氣現象。Thunder storm came, often can appear blustery, during a violent thunderstorm weather phenomenon。

19。然而耶和華使海中起大風,海就狂風大作,甚至船幾乎破壞。Then the LORD sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up。

20。在這個狂風大作的午後,人數大概有做滿時的十分之一的樣子。On this blustery afternoon, the crowd is more like a tenth of that。

21。沒有滔天巨浪,也沒有狂風大作;只有水龍頭乾涸和廁所無水沖刷所發出的聲音。There was no wall of water, no howling winds; just the sound of taps drying up and toilets ceasing to flush。

22。但是這種能源不穩定:今天可能是狂風大作,而明天可能是就是微風拂面。But this power source can be a bit fickle: today it might gust, while tomorrow could bring barely a breeze。

23。呼嘯是一個寓意很深的地方性形容詞,用來描述暴風雨天氣中的狂風大作的聲音。‘Wuthering’ being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather。

24。另外一些人坐的是小船,一旦狂風大作,就會像守靈夜的鼻菸那樣被扔來扔去。Others in vessels, bit of a handkerchief sail, pitched about like snuff at a wake when the stormy winds do blow。

25。然而即使這個地方天氣寒冷、狂風大作、荒涼得幾乎是鳥無人煙,卡吉奧也不能錯過這次機會。But even with the cold, the wind, and the barren, almost lifeless site, Cageao couldn‘t pass on the opportunity。

26。正在這時,天空狂風大作,天兵天將從天而降,不容分說,押解著織女便飛上了天空。At this moment, the sky storm pine troops descending from heaven, drop from the clouds, no time is allowed for explanation。, escorted Vega would fly up in the sky。

27。“對不起,”在四月一個狂風大作的夜晚,他幫芙蓉準備晚餐時說,“我真不想讓你們承受這一切。”“I’m sorry, ” he told Fleur, one blustery April evening as he helped her prepare dinner。 “I never meant you to have to deal with all of this。 ”
