溫柔文案“希望心情像星星 常年閃閃發光 偶爾躲躲烏雲”

“希望心情像星星 常年閃閃發光 偶爾躲躲烏雲”

“I hope my mood is like a star shining all the year round and hiding from the dark clouds occasionally”


“My love for you has become a disaster, and you should avoid it”

“給我20塊錢 我想喝奶茶,從我彩禮里扣行嗎”

“Give me 20 yuan, I want to drink milk tea, can I deduct it from my betrothal gift?”

“我們要節約用水 儘量和我一起洗澡”

“We should save water and try to take a bath with me”

溫柔文案“希望心情像星星 常年閃閃發光 偶爾躲躲烏雲”


“The way I get angry is to get back to you later”


“I hope the gentle sea breeze can blow away your unhappiness。 If he accidentally blows away your happiness, I will help you to recover it。”

“無論多大 你都要熱愛童話 英雄和魔法”

“Love fairy tales, heroes and magic, no matter how old you are”

溫柔文案“希望心情像星星 常年閃閃發光 偶爾躲躲烏雲”


“You like to eat a thing, but always tired of it, just like you, you don‘t love me, you just want to return to the sea of people”

“你身上乾淨耀眼的少年氣 晴朗了我少女時代所有的雨季”

“You are clean and bright with youth, and all the rainy seasons of my girlhood are clear”


“Hello, sir。 You’re the one I‘ve been trying to make for the rest of my life。”

溫柔文案“希望心情像星星 常年閃閃發光 偶爾躲躲烏雲”



告白文案“當你不開心的時候你就欺負我好了 誰讓我那麼喜歡你”


網易雲熱評“林深時見鹿老樹陪古屋,我遇見你 卻沒能把你留住”