




Kvetch 抱怨

to complain often or constantly 經常或持續抱怨

例句:She kvetched so much, so he finally gave up。 她抱怨了很多,所以他最終放棄了。

Zaftig 豐滿的

slightly fat in an attractive way: having a full, rounded figure


例句:She was a zaftig and handsome young woman。 她是一個身材圓潤、帥氣的年輕女性。

Klutz 木頭人,不靈巧的人

A person who is very uncoordinated or clumsy。 指肢體非常不協調或笨拙的人。

例句:Oh, I‘m a klutz。 I can never express myself well。喔,我真是個傻瓜,我永遠無法表達出我真正的想法。


Shalom 你好/再見

It means “deep peace” 。 can be used as salutation by Jews at meeting or parting。


例句:Shalom, John。 See you soon。 再見,John。下次再見!



the least amount; also : nothing Bupkes表示最少的數量,也會用來表達什麼都沒有。

例句: After all the work I did, I got bupkes! 等我做完所有的工作,我什麼都沒得到!

Glitch 小故障,小毛病

A glitch describes a small problem, but usually it’s a problem that doesn’t make it impossible to finish something。


例句:I planned to go downtown to meet with Betty, but I ran into a glitch: The bus wasn’t running because it was a holiday。 So I just took a taxi instead。我計劃去市中心和貝蒂會面,但是我遇到了一個小問題:公交車因為假期停運了,所以我只好打車過去。

Spiel 流利誇張地演說

A long, involved sales pitch or a story which has usually been said/told many times。 一段冗長的推銷言辭或被重複過很多次的故事。

例句:I had to listen to his whole spiel before I found out what he really wanted。 我不得不耐著性子聽他的長篇大論,才最終了解他到底想要什麼。

Schmooze 閒談,閒聊

This is a verb that means to talk with someone in a very friendly way, often to gain some benefit for yourself。 這是個動詞,表示和某人非常友好地交談,通常是為了給自己爭取某些福利。

例句: At the meeting, the professors were schmoozing with the president of the club。 They want his club to donate money to the university。 在會議上,教授們和俱樂部的主席閒聊,他們希望俱樂部能給學校捐些錢。

mentsh 貴人

An honorable, decent person, an authentic person, a person who helps you when you need help。 一個尊貴、體面的人,往往在你需要的時候給你提供幫助。

例句:She helped me a lot。 She’s my mentsh。 她幫了我很多,她是我的貴人。

schlock 便宜貨,次品

Cheap, shoddy, or inferior things 廉價、劣質假冒或質量差的物品

例句:I don’t know why I bought this schlocky souvenir。 我實在想不明白為什麼當時會買這個粗製濫造的紀念品。

