







一) 簡單句:英語中的簡單句的最大特徵就是每個句子中有且只有一個謂語動詞,省略句和並列謂語除外,並列謂語之間至少是最後兩個之間要加連詞。

1.____ some of this juice——- perhaps you`ll like it。(NMET2000年春季北京,23)

A。 Trying B。 Try C。 To try D。 Have tried


2.Old Mcdonald gave up smoking for a while, but soon _____ to his old days。 (NMET2000年春季北京,9)

A。 retured B。returns C。 was returning D。 had returned

該題是考查時態的題目,但對連詞but的關注可以降低該題的難度,因為but連線的應該是與gave up並列的謂語,其形式應該保持一致,所以答案是A。

3. The bell _____ the end of the period rang, ______our heated discussion。(2001 上海,39)

A。 indicating; interrupting B。 indicated; interrupting

C。 indicating; interrupted D。 indicated; interrupted

從題幹上可以看出, 該句的謂語動詞是rang, 其前後都沒有連詞,所以要填的兩個部分都不可能是謂語動詞, 再從語態上加以分析, the bell 與indicate and interrupt 之間都是主動關係, 所以要用現在分詞,該題的答案是A。

二) 複合句:兩個分句之間有且只有一個連詞,逗號不能連線兩個分句。

1. All the preparation for the task_____, and we`re ready to start。 (NMET2000年春季北京,19)

A。 completed B。 complete C。 had been completed D。 have been completed


2._____ it with me and I`ll see what I can do。 (NMET 1998)

A。 When left B。 Leaving C。 If you leave D。 Leave

從and的作用上可以看出,and之前只能是一個不帶連詞的句子,因此When引導的省略句,分詞短語和If 從句都不合適,所以答案為D。

3._____ and I`ll get the work finished。 (2006重慶)

A。 Have one more hour B。 One more hour

C。 Given one more hour D。 If I have one more hour

該句與上題很相似,但難度有所增加,因為從and的作用上可以看出,分詞短語和if 從句都不合適,可A項卻是祈使句,經過語意分析,不難發現A項儘管形式正確,但have表達“有”這一意義時,是不能用於祈使句的,該題牽扯到特殊用法,即在這類條件與結果並存的並列句中,我們可以用一個名詞短語替代祈使句,所以答案是B。

4. There are two buildings, _____ stands nearly a hundred feet high。(2004湖北)

A.the larger B。 the larger of them C。 the larger one that D。 the larger of which

從複合句的特徵分析,一眼便可看出A和B都不正確。如果選C,that引導的是一個定語從句,two buildings 和the larger one便失去了必要的連線手段,再根據定語從句解題的基本原則——“代入原則”即把先行詞帶到從句中便可看出實際要表達的意思是the larger of the two buildings, 所以答案D。

5. Jim passed the driving test, _____ surprised everybody in the office。(2005浙江)

a) which B。 that C。 this D。 it

該題與上題十分相似,C和D 都不對,而that 是不能引導非限制性定語從句的,所以答案是A。

6.Have you seen the film “Titanic”, _____leading actor is world famous。(2001上海)

A。 its B。 it`s C。 whose D。 which


7._____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month。(2001全國高考)

A。 It B。 As C。 That D。 What


7a。 _____is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month。

7b。 _____is known to everybody is that the moon travels round the earth once every month。

經過類似的分析便可以看出7a的答案是A,即用It 作形式主語,而7b的答案是D,因為,該句有三個分句組成,應有兩個連詞。

8.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students____ Chinese in the school, most____ were from Germany。(2006遼寧)

A。 study; of whom B。 study; of them C。 studying; of them D。 studying; of whom

該題採取了將簡單句和複合句的特徵相結合的考查方式,從there were … students___ Chinese in the school 來看,只能用非謂語動詞,所以應在C和D中選擇一個;從逗號後面的句子來看應用一個連詞,所以應在A和D中選擇,綜合分析該題的答案是D。



1。 Mr。 Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _____ some schools for poor children。(2001,上海)

A。 set up B。 setting up C。 have set up D。 having set up

該題如果把he had to 看成一個意群的話,必然會出現錯誤,實際上,he had 僅是一個定語從句,修飾all, 一起充當devote的賓語,構成devote sth。 to doing 結構,再者,後面的動作set up是將要發生的而非完成的,所以答案是B。

2._____ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement。(2003, 上海)

A。 The president will attend B。 The president to attend

C。 The president attended D。 The president`s attending


3。 The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see____ the next year。(2000, 全國)

A。 carry out B。 carrying out C。 carried out D。 to carry out

4。 I have many friends, _____some are businessmen。(2005, 全國)

A。 of them B。 from which C。 who of D。 of whom

5。 There are altogether eleven books on the shelf, _____ five are mine。(2005,全國)

A。 on which B。 in which C。 of which D。 from which

以上三題的解題方法是非常相似的,只要把先行詞有效地放進從句中,就可看出答案。第3題把plan 放進從句中便構成了see sth。 done 型,因此答案是C;第4題應是some of my friends, 兩句之間應有一個連詞,所以答案是D;第5題是five of the eleven books, 所以答案是C。

上述解決定語從句的方法本人把它稱作“代入原則”,即 確定了兩句構成了一個含有定語從句的主從複合句之後,我們便可以把先行詞代入從句,能直接代入的就要用某一個關係代詞,不能直接代入的一般有三種情況:關係副詞,介詞加關係代詞或關係代詞whose。例如:

6. Do you still remember the chicken farm____ we visited three months ago。(2005,北京)

A。 where B。 when C。 that D。 what

該句中我們可以把the chicken farm直接用作visited的賓語,所以答案是C。

7. We are living in an age____many things are done on computer。(2003,北京)

A。 which B。 that C。 whose D。 when

該題中的後半句缺少的是時間狀語,an age 不可能直接放進去作狀語,所以答案是D。

8。 American women usually identify their best friend as someone____ they can talk frequently。(2004, 上海)

A。 who B。 as C。 about which D。 with whom

該題題乾的後半句應該是talk to\with sb。 所以答案是D。

9。 George Orwell, _____was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays。(2004, 北京)

A。 the real name B。 what his real name C。 his real name D。 whose real name



10.The festival the children had been looking forward to _____ at last。

A。 come B。 coming C。 came D。 has come

11。 The theory you referred to ____ to be wrong。

A。 prove B。 proving C。 proved D。 had proved




1.———— What should we do with the passage?(2005重慶)

————-_______ the main idea of each paragraph。

A。 Finding out B。 Found out C。 Find out D。 To find out

在問答句的題目中,問什麼答什麼是一條解題的基本原則,因此,完整的答句應該是You should find out the main idea of each paragraph。根據語境省略的原則,我們可以把you should省略,所以答案是C。

2.———— What do you think made Mary so upset?

———— ______ her new bicycle。(1997 上海)

A。 As she lost B。 Lost C。 Losing D。 Because of losing

該題與上題的解題方法是一樣的,只是該空缺少的是主語,四個選項中能充當主語的只有C,完整的句子是,I think losing her new bicycle made Mary so upset。

3。 ——- Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?

——- _____ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up。 (1999, 上海)

A。 Get B。 Getting C。 To get D。 To be getting

透過同樣的分析我們可以確定該句的完整形式應是I always make you eat an egg everyday (in order for you ) to get enough…。所以該句應該用不定式做目的狀語,答案為C。