新概念英語第一冊Lesson 115閱讀練習題 (帶答案)

Lesson 115 Knock, knock! 敲敲門!


1 Why does Jim think that there is no one at home?

2 Will Jim go away or will he knock again?

3 Why does Helen think it is impossible that there‘s no one at home?

4 What does Helen ask Jim to do?

5 Can Jim see anything?

6 Where do they find their friends?

7 Why is everyone in the garden?

8 What would Jim like to drink?

9 Is there any beer left?

Lesson 115 Knock, knock! 敲敲門! (答案)


1 Because everything is very quiet。

2 He’ll knock again。

3 Because Carol and Tom invited them to lunch。

4 She asks Jim to look through the Window。

5 No, he can‘t。

6 In the garden。

7 Because everybody Wants to have lunch out there。

8 He’d like a glass of beer。

9 Yes, there is。