


Years are not old, but we are getting old day by day。 We can‘t hold the skirt of time and the pace of time。 Life is like the dusk after snow。 Although it is beautiful, it is a dream after all。



When you can’t do this, it‘s not a blessing。 Many times, selfishness seems to bring us small benefits and benefits, making us believe that blessings will come, but in fact, it is an invitation to misfortune, and we miss more important things。



Of course, this panic is only temporary, because we later reunited with our parents and relatives and began to enjoy the selfless love of our mother and father, as well as the strong feelings of growing up under the warmth and care of our relatives。


沒有健康,你就不能吃你喜歡的食物或做你喜歡做的事情。患病 “的痛苦和折磨會使你逐漸失去做人的快樂和幸福,甚至失去生活的勇氣。

Without health, you can’t eat the food you like or do the things you like。 The pain and suffering of illness will make you gradually lose your happiness and happiness, and even lose the courage to live。



With this ruler, we can do our own things and go our own way calmly and calmly under any circumstances; We will be able to calmly face all the encounters and differences, successes and failures in the world。