
The Facts and China’s Position on China-US Trade Friction

中美經貿關係Trade and economic relations between China and the US /China-US economic and trade relations

中美兩國建交以來Since the establishment of diplomatic relations,

利益交匯點不斷增多,形成了緊密合作關係A close partnership has been


under which interests of the two countries have become

closer and wider


bilateral treaties


multilateral rules

such as the WTO rules

結構高度互補、利益深度交融的互利共贏關係 a mutually beneficial relationship

featuring structural synergy and convergence of interests.



greater product variety

中美兩國經濟發展階段、經濟制度不同,存在經貿摩擦是正常的,關鍵是如何增進互信、促進合作、管控分歧。China and the US are at different stages of development。 They have different economic systems。

Therefore, some level of trade friction is only natural.

The key however lies in how to enhance mutual trust, promote cooperation, and manage differences。

相向而行moving to meet each other halfway

是雙方共同努力、相向而行的結果as a result of both sides’ efforts to

pull in the same direction.

成為中美關係的壓艙石和推進器, which has

served as the ballast and propeller

of the overall bilateral relationship。

實行單邊主義、保護主義和經濟霸權主義 Rather, it has

brazenly preached




economic hegemony

brazenly :adv。 厚臉皮地,厚顏無恥地

preach :vt。 說教;講道;鼓吹;傳道;反覆灌輸

面對這種局面,中國從維護兩國共同利益和世界貿易秩序大局出發,China has

responded from the perspective of

the common interests of both parties as well as the world trade order。

堅持透過對話協商解決爭議的基本原則,以最大的耐心和誠意迴應美國關切,It is observing the principle of resolving disputes through dialogue and consultation, and

answering the US concerns with the greatest level of patience and good faith.

以求同存異的態度妥善處理分歧,The Chinese side has been dealing with these differences

with an attitude of seeking common ground while shelving divergence.

本著求同存異原則in the spirit of

seeking common ground while setting aside differences



However, the US side has been

contradicting itself and constantly challenging China


going back on its words that

“US companies can sell their equipment to Huawei”

他們不顧國際信用,極限施壓,出爾反爾,攫取最大利益。Disregarding its international credibility, it

seeks utmost self-interests

through extreme pressure and

breaching promises.


As a result,

trade and economic friction between the two sides has escalated quickly over a short period of time, causing serious damage to the economic and trade relations which have developed over the years through the collective work of the two governments and the two peoples, and

posing a grave threat to

the multilateral trading system and the principle of free trade。

經濟全球化是大勢所趨,和平與發展是民心所向。Economic globalization is t

he trend of the times,

and peace and development

represent the shared aspiration of all peoples.

實現祖國完全統一,是大勢所趨、大義所在、民心所向,The complete reunification of the motherland is

an inevitable trend

it is what the greater national interests entail and what all Chinese people aspire for.

把困擾世界的問題、影響本國發展的矛盾簡單歸咎於經濟全球化,搞貿易和投資保護主義,企圖讓世界經濟退回到孤立的舊時代,不符合歷史潮流。It therefore

runs counter to

the historical trend


one simply


economic globalization


the problems in today’s world and one’s domestic development, and

attempts to

bring the global economy back to the old days of isolation


pursuing trade and investment protectionism。

中美經貿關係事關兩國人民福祉,也關乎世界和平、繁榮、穩定。 China-US economic and trade ties


not only the well-being of the peoples of the two countries, but also world peace, prosperity and stability。

對中美兩國來說,合作是唯一正確的選擇,共贏才能通向更好的未來。中國的立場是明確的、一貫的、堅定的。Cooperation is the only correct option for China and the US, and


a win-win approach will lead to a better future.

China’s position is clear, consistent and firm。

對於貿易戰,中國不願打、不怕打、必要時不得不打。China does not want a trade war, but it is not afraid of one and will fight one if necessary.

我們有強大的經濟韌性和廣闊的市場空間,有勤勞智慧、眾志成城的中國人民We have a

highly resilient economy,

an enormous market, and the hard-working, talented and united Chinese people。

任何外部因素都不可能阻止中國發展壯大。 No external factor will

hold back

China’s development。

言而有信、言行一致good faith and credibility

中美和則兩利,鬥則俱傷For China and the US,

cooperation can lead to mutual benefits while confrontation will do no good to anyone.

反對任何國家以保護智慧財產權之名,行貿易保護主義之實。China opposes trade protectionism pursued by any country

in the name of

IPR protection。

堅決摒棄冷戰思維和強權政治 resolutely


the Cold War mentality and power politics。


should not engage in a zero-sum game that puts one’s self-interest first and sees others’ gains as one’s losses

, nor should they follow a hegemonic approach that advocates

beggar-thy-neighbor policies


believes in the strong bullying the weak.

或者:We must

refrain from seeking dominance and reject the zero-sum game.

妥善管控矛盾分歧,堅持以對話解決爭端、以協商化解分歧,以文明交流超越文明隔閡、文明互鑑超越文明衝突、文明共存超越文明優越。Instead, countries should manage differences and tensions properly, settle disputes and disagreements through dialogue and consultation, and replace estrangement with exchange, clashes with mutual learning, and superiority with coexistence among civilizations。

estrangement :n。 疏遠;失和

中國將繼續發揮負責任大國作用,與其他國家一道,共同建設持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界China will continue to act as a responsible major country, and join every other country in building an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity。

得道多助,失道寡助。There is a Chinese adage that says,“A just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust one finds little support.”

面對不確定不穩定不安全因素增多的國際形勢,中國不忘初心,始終與世界同行,順大勢、擔正義、行正道,In a world of increasing uncertainty, instability and insecurity, China will remain true to its original aspiration, follow the trend of the times, shoulder its responsibility for justice, and pursue the greater good。

堅定不移維護多邊貿易體制,堅定不移推動全球治理體系變革,始終做世界和平的建設者、全球發展的貢獻者、國際秩序的維護者,堅定不移推動構建人類命運共同體。It will unswervingly safeguard the multilateral trading system, press forward with the reform of global governance, promote world peace, contribute to global development, uphold international order, and build a community with a shared future for mankind。







