「NBA賽後」2月5日勇士147-116獨行俠 老外吐槽

「NBA賽後」2月5日勇士147-116獨行俠 老外吐槽

Raptors猛禽The_ _Unknown98 98

This game Kelly Oubre increased his FG by over 2% (37。5 to 40) and 3FG by 49% (23 to 27)

這場比賽烏佈雷增加了他的投籃命中率超過2% (37。5到40) , 3分命中率增加了4% (23到27)

Warrirs勇士Balls _of Adamanthium金剛石球

The law of averages is undefeated


Mavericks小牛obamna_ 奧巴馬娜 51 minutes ago 51分鐘前

he should miss all his shots until the playoffs


Lakers 湖人隊MelonElbows

That‘s some galaxy brain thinking


Warriors勇士o0DrWurm0o 0drwurm0o

All potential trade suitors please form an orderly line, Bob Myers will be with you shortly



No joke, but his stock may never be as high as now, if the warriors really want to trade him。

不是開玩笑,但是如果勇士隊真的想交易他的話, 他的身價可能永遠不會像現在這麼高。

Wariors 士rezozverka

Steph not playing in the 4th made my heart warm again


Raptors猛禽Money-not_ you_ again 錢一不要再說你了

The fact that GS did this without any bigs is a testament to how well coached they are。 But also

how good they could be if everyone is hitting on all cylinders。 Dray and Steph didn’t even play in

the 4th and they blew Dallas out。

事實上, 勇士在沒有任何大明星的情況下做到了這一 點,證明了他們的教練水平有多高。但是如果所有人都全力以赴的話,他們會有多好。格林和斯蒂芬甚至沒有打第四節比賽,他們把小牛隊打得落花流水。

This was dlearly the KO they were expecting when they signed him- and while I don‘t think it is,

it would be great if this was the start of his resurgence。


But special shout out to Wigs and his growth。 He started 1/10 and came out in the 2nd half

htting shots, playing good D and he’s just so different from when he was on the Wolves。

但特別要對維金斯和他的成長大聲疾呼。他剛開始10投1中 在下半場出場投籃命中率很高,打出很好的防守,和他在森林狼的時候完全不一樣。

And I don‘t know whats going with the Mavs, but I hope that they figure it out because the

league’s more fun when they re playing well。


C Warriors 勇士manliestdino 格列斯蒂諾

Wiggs drove more too when his shot was off, which is what I really liked


Raptors猛盒Money-not_ _you_ again 錢一不要再說你了

And you could see his confidence coming as he hit some great shots in the 2nd half。

Being around successful vets/ stars and a healthy culture has made such a difference for

him。 I know he‘s been in the league for years, but I feel like this year We’re finally starting

to really see his potential。




Warriors勇士Charlie。 _Wax查理。瓦克斯

I just woke up from a six year coma。 Who is the second best player in the NBA after Kelly Oubre?


Lakers湖人隊 rawchess羅切斯1 hour ago一小時前

Juan Toscano-Anderson, duh。


NBA ! iLikeBPTWRV 伊利克位元/科威特旅行 社50minutes ago 50分鐘前

It‘s a toss up between Damion “Nepotism’ Lee and Juan ”Mexican Steph Curry“ Toscano-



Pelicans鵜鶘Good_ NewsEveryone 好訊息1 hour ago一小時前

I was just sitting on my couch giggling to myself watch Oubre, Wiggins, and a bunch of dudes I‘ve

never heard of pour in 3’s on the Mavs。

我只是坐在沙發上傻笑著看著烏佈雷, 威金斯,還有一群我從沒聽說過的傢伙向小牛隊投3分。

[GSW] Nate Thurmond內特。瑟蒙德Helicase21 1 hour ago一小時前

SMH put some respect on Juan Toscano Anderson。

你認真的嗎 對胡安托斯卡諾安德森(Juan Toscano-Anderson)給予了一些尊重。

Pelicans鵜鶘322KPM 1 hour ago一小時前

That‘s JTA to you。


Lakeres 湖人隊Jayeeae 1 hour go一小時前

Then hing hinghath dor g Goteo Sarswey ogngiteith dnesometon


Grzies灰能pedelese前情提要57minutes ago 57分鐘前

vey es coud have if they dntate her fo ftege。


[GSW] Chris Mullin克里斯,穆林ADC3317 1 hour ago一小時前

Porzingis has 9 inches on the tallest warrior player tonight。 He had 5 boards and took 6 total

shots in the paint。 If I’m a mavs fan I‘m furious


Lakers湖人隊rawchess羅切斯58 minutes ago 58分鐘前

This is a guy who famously couldn’t post up Marcus Smart。 Dude is a 7‘3 three and D wing。

這是一個眾所周知的不能把馬庫斯。斯馬特放倒的傢伙,這傢伙是個7英尺3英寸的 3d側翼球員。

「NBA賽後」2月5日勇士147-116獨行俠 老外吐槽