SIIB天天練29 (劃重點:基礎詞彙和上下文理解)

SIIB天天練29 (劃重點:基礎詞彙和上下文理解)


SIIB天天練29 (劃重點:基礎詞彙和上下文理解)

英語學習貴在循序漸進、不斷積累、始終堅持。一天一個問題,Practice every day! Hold on and you’ll make it。



1。 Soon, all the villagers believed I had AIDs and f____ whenever I came into sight。

2。 On a recent day after school he was d____ by several young boys into an alley (衚衕), where they took his money, transportation card and cell phone。

3。 The Chinese government has set the t____ of reducing energy consumption per unit of GDP by 20 percent between 2006 and 2010 and it is developing a series of projects to achieve this goal。

4。 But as Australia grows, environment groups u____ the government to develop a national population policy to avoid severe environmental degradation。 (惡化)

5。 The next night, the blackest he had ever known, the sea became so r____ that the boat almost turned over。

6。 But after traveling about 150 miles up the river, Hudson had to turn around。 The river became too s____ for the ship。

7。 At first it was easy walking over the grass。 Then the grass turned to bushes and hillside became s____。


Much like packs of wolves or prides of lions, killer whales often hunt in groups for food。 They work together to encircle prey into a small area before attacking。 When hunting a large whale, a group of killer whales may attack from several angles。

8。 What’s the title of this passage?【Methods of Collecting ___________】

9。 How do killer whales hunt? 【Through___________】

10。 What do the following words mean?


SIIB 29答案及解析


1。 fled 2。 dragged 3。 target 4。 urge 5。 rough 6。 shallow 7。 steeper


8。 Food 9。 teamwork 10。 packs/groups;An animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal