
不經意間在網上看到了2017年BBC推薦的必讀書目,其中美國著名小說家米歇爾斯通(Michel Stone)的《Border Child》(邊境孩子)深深的吸引了我。


2017年特朗普上臺後,準備把幾十萬墨西哥移民趕回老家,並下令沿著美墨邊境修築“長城”,以阻隔從墨西哥向美國偷越邊境的非法移民。這些措施給大批的墨西哥“追夢人”帶來災難性的打擊。斯通適時創作了小說《Border Child》,用發生在赫克託(Héctor)和莉莉婭(Lilia)身上的故事,真實呈現了那些絕望的移民們所面臨的困境 。作者洞悉人性,整本小說扣人心絃,值得一讀。這裡把第一章的部分內容,嘗試著譯成中文(水平有限難免有錯誤),先睹為快,可能不久的將來中譯本會問世。








Lilia wished the direction of the evening breeze would shift as she diced the small octopus, dropping the chunks into the briny broth already steaming on the fire。But the wind kept its course, and the funk of her village’s incinerated waste continued to waftacross the courtyard。

She plucked a sprig of mint from the cracked clay pot beside the kitchen door and stripped its leaves from the stem then popped them into her mouth。




She chewed the herb into a slick pulp, hoping it would lessen her nausea。 Fernando sat in the dirt nearby, rolling a small truck between his bare feet。 When he shrieked with laughter Lilia looked up from her work at the fire。

“What do you see, my boy?”

The child pointed at a white hen and her butter-yellow chicks pecking at the dust just beyond Fernando’s new rubber ball, abandoned for now beneath the shade tree。


Lilia had not experienced any morning sickness with Fernando。 Her pregnancy had gone so smoothly she’d worried something was wrong with the baby until she saw him,counted his fingers and toes, and heard him wail。

His head had been bare, unlike the thickly matted scalp of Alejandra at her birth。 Lilia’s pregnancy with Fernando had been so different from her first that she should have suspected the child to be a boy, but no。



That simple conclusion had escaped her, and instead she’d assumed the child inside her womb to be deformed, and she had not fully felt excitement or love until she’d held him and he’d suckled at her breast。 Only then did her tears and prayers of gratitude emerge from somewhere unexpected and deep within her。

But this third pregnancy felt similar to her first, with daily morning vomiting, and the constant taste of bile lingering in her throat。 Perhaps this baby, like Lilia’s first, would be a girl child。 Little Alejandra would be almost four now。 Is almost four now。 She is almost four, Lilia told herself。 Is, not would be。


Lilia prayed daily for Alejandra’s well-being and happiness。 And on the days she felt her hope waning, at those dark times, she prayed to God to punish her for allowing her faith and optimism to slip。 These occasional, doubtful thoughts she did not share with Héctor;she’d learned long ago she must shoulder enough strength for the both of them。

Lilia ached to believe that Héctor trusted her again as fully as he ever had, that he understood the depth to which her being had been shaken with the loss of their daughter and the horrible, undeniable guilt that permeated Lilia to her marrow for her part in that loss。


She longed to tell him that oftentimes as she passed the village cemetery at the top of the hill,she felt it watching her closely, as if she should be there with the dead instead of walking among the living。


For months after Lilia’s border crossing and the disappearance of Alejandra, Héctor Sneered at the sight of his wife。 He tried to hide his contempt by turning away, busying himself in some pointless activity, but she felt his scorn as sure as a slap to her cheek。


Even if his countenance had not betrayed his deep disappointment in Lilia, his inability to touch her all but screamed what Lilia interpreted as disgust, perhaps even loathing。

They had been the most loving, most affectionate couple in all of Mexico until that unforgettable, life-altering day at the border, when she’d arrived unexpectedly and without their child……


