
感覺就像到親戚和鄰居家串門一樣親切。Coming to Thailand gives me a heart-warming feeling of visiting a relative or a close neighbor。

共敘友情renewing friendship

共商東亞合作大計jointly discussing ways to promote East Asian cooperation。

東亞是我們共同的家園。East Asia is a place we all call home。

東盟合作更是一馬當先,迸發出蓬勃生機與活力。the dynamism and vibrancy of China-ASEAN cooperation, which leads ASEAN’s cooperation with other countries。

連續十年ten years in a row/ 10 years in succession

躍升為中國第二大貿易伙伴rise to the second place among China’s trading partners

泰國和馬來西亞的榴蓮、菲律賓的香蕉、柬埔寨的大米、越南的咖啡、印尼的棕櫚油such as durian from Thailand and Malaysia, banana from the Philippines, rice from Cambodia, coffee from Vietnam and palm oil from Indonesia

家電home appliances

創造了舉世矚目的經濟發展奇蹟achieved an economic miracle that has impressed the world


糧食安全取得了舉世矚目的巨大成就。China’s food security is a success of worldwide significance。

70年來,中國人民戮力同心,艱苦奮鬥,用自己的勤勞、智慧、勇氣甚至犧牲取得了舉世矚目的偉大成就。In the last seven decades, the Chinese people have, with hard work, wisdom, courage and even sacrifice, forged ahead in unison and made remarkable achievements。

in unison 一致行動;一起;

僅中國就超過30% with China alone accounting for more than 30 percent。

促進貿易和投資自由化便利化promoted liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment

需要思考的問題a question that we all need to ponder about

得出一些啟示draw the following inspirations from 。。。

保障發展繁榮lay the bedrock for development and prosperity

為人稱道的widely applauded

團結協作、守望相助Endeavoring to enhance unity and mutual assistance

秉持親誠惠容的周邊外交理念followed a neighborhood policy of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness

是……的中堅力量acted as a staunch force for。。。

相關表達:。。。是推動全球性別平等的中堅力量be central to this global push for gender equality。

成為……的基石served as a cornerstone for。。。

互利共贏win-win outcomes

實現了自身發展catalyzed its own development

致力於建成世界上人口規模最大、成員結構最多元、發展潛力最大的自貿區with the aim of building an FTA with the largest population, the most diverse membership and the biggest potential

高質量共建“一帶一路”,致力於實現更高水平的互聯互通working together for a higher level of connectivity through high-quality Belt and Road cooperation

在不久的將來in the not too distant future

以……為契機 We will seize the opportunity of 。。。

5G通訊、人工智慧、大資料、物聯網、智慧城市5G communications, artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things and smart city

親上加親we will further cement the bond of friendship between us。

人文交流cultural and people-to-people exchanges

兩千多年前開啟的“海上絲綢之路”帶來了舟楫雲集、帆檣蔽日的盛況,見證了中國和東南亞國家密切交往的歷史。The ancient maritime Silk Road opened more than two thousand years ago witnessed the bustling scene of numerous merchant ships setting sail both ways, showing flourishing trade and lively exchanges between China and Southeast Asia。

成為……新的佳話marking a new culminating moment/ become a success story

中國人有句話,叫“遠親不如近鄰”。In China, we say, “A close neighbor can be more helpful than a distant relative。”/ The Chinese often say that it is better to have a close neighbor than a distant relative。/ close neighbors are better than distant kinsmen。

堅持對話協商才能凝聚共識By adhering to dialogue and consultation we will expand areas of consensus。

以和為貴、互諒互讓、和合為重values peace, understanding and harmony

強調協商一致、照顧各方舒適度stresses consensus building and accommodating each other’s comfort levels

相近的文化決定了我們堅持透過對話協商妥處分歧,有事商量著辦。Our cultural affinity predisposes both sides to handle issues and differences through dialogue and consultation。

確實在南海存在領土和海洋權益爭議Admittedly, disputes do exist between China and some ASEAN countries over territory and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea。

但南海問題沒有影響中國—東盟關係的發展,反而成為雙方合作的一個新領域。Yet such disputes have not hindered the growth of China-ASEAN relations; in fact, they presented an area where we can work together。



大雪影響了航空運輸:The snow storm has


air traffic。

洪水影響了莊稼收成:the flood has


crop failures。

艾滋病嚴重影響了該國的生產能力:HIV/AIDS has

taken a heavy toll on

its productivity。

這一政策將對該國經濟發展產生重大影響:this policy will

have great implications for

its economic prospects。


你們平時課上的表現將直接影響你們的最終成績:your class performance will be included in your final result。

此舉將會影響兩國關係的正常發展:this move may

sour/strain/derail/hold back

their relations。

提前完成completed ahead of schedule

順利啟動kicked off smoothly

達成一份符合地區實際、富有實質內涵、高質量、有效力的“準則”deliver a substantive, high-quality and effective document based on the realities of our region

共同制定地區規則,使南海成為和平、友誼與合作之海。take forward rule-making in our region, and make the South China Sea a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation。

明年適逢中泰建交45週年,兩國關係站在繼往開來的新起點上。As next year


the 45th anniversary of China-Thailand relations, our bilateral relationship is poised for a new start。

“適逢”:今年適逢中印尼建立全面戰略伙伴關係5週年。This year coincides with the fifth anniversary of China-Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership。

攜手同奏中泰友誼的華彩樂章work together to promote continued deepening of China-Thailand friendship

共繪東亞合作的美好藍圖map out a better future for East Asian cooperation




