聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)






聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)





。就像同一個孩子,她媽告訴我讀《the Factory Mady Boy》開了頭就沒讀下去,可是《ICH and Meine Schwester KLARL》一口氣讀完了,因為第一本書她不喜歡啊!其實,不論大人還是小孩,找到有興趣的書才讀得下去,你需要做的是讓孩子嘗試各種書。

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)

在讀英文繪本之後孩子還會遇到一個坎,就是如何過度到純文字閱讀/初章書閱讀,除了經典的《蒼蠅小子》(Fly Guy ),貓頭鷹日記(Owl Diaries)等初章書。我們還可以給孩子嘗試一下

英文笑話(Jokes for Kids)



。有一本書就叫做Jokes, Have a Laugh and Improve Your English,可見提升英語能力讀笑話也是一種很好的選擇。

推薦兩本非常適合兒童閱讀的英文笑話:Awesome Jokes for Kids to Laugh , Magical Mischief Jokes that Shock and Amaze 。

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)


1. Reading Skills 提升閱讀能力

2. Social Interaction 社互動動

3. Better Coping Skills 提升應對技能

4. Verbal Skills 增強語言能力

5. Encourages Family Time 促進家庭、親子關係

6. Better Health 有益身心健康


1. Food Jokes for Kids

Q: What did the asparagus(蘆筍) say to the mushroom ?

A: You‘re a fun gun 。

Q: What kind of nuts has no shell ?

A: A doughnut。

Q: What kind of snack do you have during a scary movie ?

A: Ice cream( I scream ) 。

Q: What does a nosy pepper do ?

A: It gets jalapeno business! (all-up-in-you business)

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)

2. Math and Science Jokes

Q: Why was the math book sad ?

A: It had too many problems。

Q: How do we know Saturn was married more than once ?

A: Because she’s got a lot of rings !

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)

3. Popular Jokes for Kids

Q: What does a cloud wear under his raincoat ?

A: Thunderwear

Q: What did the fisherman say to the magician ?

A: Pick a cod, any cod。

Q: What did the snowman say to the other snowman ?

A: Do you smell carrots ?

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)

4. Animal Jokes for Kids

Q: What happen if it rains cats and dogs ?

A: You need to watch for poodles。

Q: Why are giraffes so tall ?

A: So they can sing high notes。

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)



Magical Mischief Jokes that Shock and Amaze:

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)

Awesome Jokes for Kids to Laugh:

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)

聽說一做英文閱讀就頭疼,如果能邊讀邊笑呢?Awesome Jokes for Kids (含資源)