美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

Once upon a time


there lived a very rich man


he had three daughters


two of them were really greedy and self-centered girls


but the third one had a heart full of love and kindness


美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

One day, their dad received the news

一天 她們的父親得到訊息

that his ship has sunk due to the storm

她們的父親得到訊息 他的船由於風暴沉沒了

poor man had lost everything


and was left with only his little house and the village


the two greedy sisters were of course not pleased


with the situation


all they want


all they were doing were sitting around


and complaining


all the housework was left to beauty


after a while their father heard that one of his lost ships had made it to the harbour

過了不久 她們的父親聽說他丟失的一條船停到了港口

he started to prepare to go to the harbour right away


and before he left


he asked his daughters


girls,what would you like me to bring back with


a necklace shoes and bracelets

“一條項鍊 鞋子 和手鐲”

and what about you beauty


what would you like?


Just a rose is fine Daddy

“一朵玫瑰花就夠了 爸爸”

their father arrived at the harbour after a long journey


But neither his staff on the boat was there


nor was the ship usable


Sad and tired


he started his journey back home


It was almost dark when he reached the forest

當他到森林的時候 天幾乎都快黑了

The forest was dark


and cold and

很冷 而且

It was snowing


He rode his horse for hours


and hours on the snow


美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

And finally he saw a castle with the lights on

然後最終 他看到一座燈火輝煌的城堡

Hello hello

“你好 你好”

He entered


hoping they might help him


It was a weird castle


The lights were on everywhere


The dinner table was full of food and

晚餐桌上放滿了食物 和

There was fire in the chimney


But there was no one to be seen


He called out for someone, but no one answered

他叫了幾聲 可是卻沒有人迴應

Finally, not being able to wait any more

最終 他等不下去了

he first ate some food from the table, and then

他開始吃桌子上的食物 然後

He slept in one of the beds


When he woke up in the morning


he found some new clothes next to the bed


He went downstairs


And a nice breakfast was waiting for him on the table

然後 桌子上有豐盛的早餐等著他

美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

I can’t believe I’ve been helped like this


Must be a fairy there on this castle。 I wish I could thank her

“一定是有精靈在這座城堡 我希望我能感謝她”

When he was leaving the castle


He noticed the rose garden


Couldn’t grant my other daughters wishes but

“我無法滿足我其他女兒的心願 但是

at least I can get beauty a rose like she asked


Just as he picked a rose


he and his surroundings shocked with a loud roar


An evil wild like beast appeared from behind trees

一個看起來很邪惡的野獸 從樹木後面走出

The father almost fainted when he saw the beast

當看到野獸的時候 父親幾乎快暈厥過去了

I saved your life


I fed you


I gave you milk loaves


And here you are

“然而 你卻在這裡”

stealing my roses


Is this how you thank me


The man went on his knees and begged him he wanted to

父親跪下了 然後向野獸祈求著 說他只是想

take one of those roses to his daughter


What you did will not go unpunnished


Please forgive me


I would forgive you with only one condition


Talk to your daughters


If one of them agrees to leave you with me


I would grant your life


美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

The man jumped on his horse


and sadly went on the road to his home


When at home, the man told his daughters about the last cargo

當他回到家中 父親給他的女兒們說他的貨物丟失了

the broken boat and the beast in the castle

船壞了 還有有野獸在城堡的事

But the two greedy sisters


were more worried about missing their gifts than about their father


Daddy, if you allow me, I accept to go to the beast

“父親 如果你允許的話 我願意去野獸那兒”

The two sisters did not want to go near the beast


So they immediately said that beauty should be the one to go

所以她們立刻同意 美女應該是那個去野獸那兒的女兒

You wouldn’t even be in this mess if it were not for her asking for a stupid rose

“如果不是因為她要那愚蠢的玫瑰花 你甚至不用去趟這渾水”

Sad and hopeless


her father took beauty and left to the castle


When they arrived, everything was prepared for them, just like before

當他們抵達的時候 所有的事情都為他們準備好了 就像之前一樣

Food on the table, and no one else around

食物在桌子上放著 周圍沒有其他人

Just as they sat down and started to eat

只有當他們坐下 開始吃東西的時候

The beast came out。 Beauty started to shake out of fear

野獸出來了 美女開始感到害怕並顫抖著

Because the beast was as scary as her father had told her


Beast asked with a soft voice


Did you come here out of your own free will




Then in the morning, your father will go away and never come back


When she woke up in the morning


beauty knew that her father was gone


And she found a nice breakfast waiting for her on the table


She wandered around in the garden for a while


she felt sad when she looked at the roses


Then she went around in the castle


One of the doors was full of roses


She wondered。 She opened the door

她很好奇 於是她打開了這扇門

and peeked inside


The room was decorated just like she would like it


And it was full of books, flowers and musical instruments

這裡面充滿了書本 花朵 還有樂器

She thought that someone who could arrange her room like this would not hurt anybody

她想 能把她的房間安排成這樣的人應該不會傷害任何人

Then she took a book


On the book was written in gold letters


My dear queen, your wish is my command

我親愛的女王 你的願望我可以幫你實現

I wish I could see my father now


As soon as beauty said it, her father appeared in a mirror across the room

在美女說完這話後 很快 她的父親出現在這間房間鏡子裡

Beauty was so surprised。 Seeing her father made her happy again

美女感到驚奇 看見她的父親 這使她再一次感到開心

That night, at dinner, beast appeared again

那天晚上 晚餐時 野獸再一次出現了

Would you let me watch you, Beauty

“你願意讓我來看看你嗎 美女”

You own the place。 Why would you ask me

“你擁有這個地方 為什麼你要來問我”

No, you own this castle now

“不 現在你擁有這座城堡了”

If you want, I can leave immediately

“如果你想的話 我可以立刻離開這裡”

Beauty was very surprised with this answer


I want to ask you something。 Do you really think I’m ugly

“我想問你些事情 你真的認為我醜嗎”

Beauty did not know what to say at first


but looked up at him, and nodded as if to say yes

但卻看著他 點了點頭好似在說 是的

Do you think anyone would ever marry me


No。 Beauty was shocked at the question

“不!” 美女對於這個問題感到震驚

and answered too harshly。 Beast turned around sad and left Beauty alone

於是回答的有些刺耳 野獸傷心的轉身走了 留下美女一個人

Beast was visting Beauty every night at dinner, and he treated her very kind

野獸每天晚上晚飯時都會來看美女 他對待小美的態度非常友善

美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

As days passed, Beauty felt like she was getting used to Beast

隨著時間的流逝 美女覺得她逐漸習慣了野獸

I wish he wasn’t that ugly


As the months passed, Beauty was no longer afraid of the Beast, and she even started to like him

一個月過去了 美女不再害怕野獸了 甚至有點喜歡上野獸了

But one day, she saw on the mirror that her father was ill

但是有一天 她從鏡子裡看到到他的父親生病了

She raced next to the Beast, and asked him to let her go home

她跑到野獸身邊 然後問他(能否)讓她回家

cause she wanted to take care of her sick father


Of course you can go


But if you don’t come back, I might die from sadness

“但如果你不再回來的話 我可能會傷心至死”

I will come back, after a week。 I promise

“我會回來的 一個禮拜以後 我保證”

Take this ring, and bring it with you。 Beast gave Beauty a ring

“拿著這個戒指 戴上它 ” 野獸給了美女一個戒指

When she will put this ring on her night stand, and fall asleep, she would wake back up in the castle

當她把這個戒指放在床頭時 入睡後 她在城堡中醒來

The next morning, she woke up in her own bed in her father’s house

第二天早上 她就在父親的家中自己的床上醒來

she ran to her father at once


When her father saw her, he was so happy that he felt better

當她的父親看見她的時候 父親感到非常開心 以至於他感到病都好些了

In the afternoon, beauty’s sisters who recently got married came to visit their father

中午的時候 最近剛結婚了的姐姐們回來看望她們的父親

When they found Beauty at home, they were furious with envy and anger

當她們發現美女在家裡時 她們非常嫉妒和憤怒

and they decided to play a little trick on her


Let’s make her stay here one more week, then the Beast will come and kill her

我們來讓她呆在這裡超過一個禮拜 然後野獸就會回來 殺了她

The two sisters came next to Beauty crying


and told her that they didn’t want to be apart

並告訴美女 她們並不想與美女分開

Beauty promised to stay one more week


Not long after, Beauty realised that she missed Beast

不久後 美女意識到她開始想念野獸

One day, she saw a dream where Beast was lifeless on the ground in the gardens castle

一天 她做了一個夢 夢見野獸毫無生氣的倒在城堡花園中的地上

美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

She woke up in a sweat


What I’m doing is cruel and selfish

我這麼做真是太殘忍 自私了啊

So she immediately took the ring out of her finger, put it on the nightstand beside her

所以她立刻從她的手上取下戒指 把戒指放在她旁邊的床頭上

And she woke up in the Beast’s castle in the morning

於是 第二天早晨她在野獸的城堡中醒來

She waited for the Beast all day long, but he was nowhere to be seen

她等了野獸整整一天 然而野獸並沒出現在任何地方

She waited for hours and hours


But Beast did not come


美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

Suddenly, she remembered her dream and ran to the garden

突然間 她想到了她的夢 然後跑向花園

Beast was lying down, lifeless on the ground

野獸躺在那裡 毫無生氣的躺在地上

Just like she saw him in her dream


Beauty ran next to him and hugged him

美女跑到野獸的身邊 擁抱住他

Beast’s heart was still beating


He could barely open his eyes


and he spoke with great difficulty


I thought you weren’t coming back


But I love you and I want to marry you

“我愛你 我還想要嫁給你”

美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

At that instant, something magical happened

一瞬間 奇蹟發生了



the castle became brighter and more beautiful

城堡變得更加明亮 更加美麗

Beauty looked around, stunned, and then

美女看向周圍 震驚了

she turned her head back to the Beast


But where the ugly Beast was lying


now there was a young and handsome prince


When she saw him, Beauty started to cry

當美女看向他是 開始哭泣

Who are you, and where does the Beast go

“你是誰 野獸去了哪裡”

Oh, don’t be afraid

“哦 你別害怕”

Prince stood up and started to tell

王子站了起來 開始說

I’m the Beast, an evil which put a spell on me

“我就是野獸 魔鬼給我下了咒語”

turned me into that wretched form


If it were not for your love, that you would marry me

“如果沒有你的愛 你說你要嫁給我”

If it were not for your love, I would have been a beast forever

“如果沒有你的愛 我將會永遠成為野獸”

When she heard this, Beauty was very happy

當美女聽到這些的時候 美女很高興

with her good heart, she found true love

她憑著她的善良 找到了真愛

Beauty and the prince got married, and lived happily ever after

美女與王子結婚了 然後一直快樂的生活著

美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast

The End
